• 9805095101 , 9805095107
  • kcipandoga@kcinstitutes.com
  • Una, Himachal


  • 1. The students are advised to keep themselves aware of the College rules. Ignorance of rules shall not be an excuse for violation.
  • 2. Loud talking, loitering or congregating in the verandas, being a source of distraction and annoyance to others, is not permitted
  • 3. Late arrival and early departure at or from a class are recorded as absence from the class.
  • 4. Students are expected to observe decorum and pay due respect to the faculty and supporting staff. Every member of the staff has authority to forbid disorderly behavior within the college.
  • 5. Students will not operate any machinery / equipment without the permission of the instructor.
  • 6. Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited. Strict disciplinary action (as decided by the Principal) would be taken against student found using a mobile phone inside or outside the classroom.
  • 7. No responsibility will be accepted by the college for any injury, loss or damage to the personal articles of students.
  • 8. The students at the college require attention and diligence. A student neglecting his / her studies and having unsatisfactory progress will be given two warnings after which if he/ she fails to improve, he/she will be liable for expulsion from the college.
  • 9. Students shall observe all safety precautions. The college is not responsible for any accident, of whatever nature, in the college, hostel, workshop, and playground and during summer training and industrial training or educational tour/trip.
  • 10. Students are prohibited to take part in ragging, politics or go to the press. Any student is found violating the rule; he/she will be expelled from the college.
  • 11. The students will compensate damage to college/ hostel property/furniture caused by neglect or willful damage.
  • 12. Students may note that fees once paid will not be refunded/ adjusted.
  • 13. Students must keep their identity cards always with them and shall show the same on demand by any faculty/official of the college.
  • 14. Students are permitted to form and carry on only such associations or clubs at the college as have been sanctioned by the Director-Principal.
  • 15. Students claiming benefits/ concessions on medical grounds are required to submit medical certificate from a govt. hospital or dispensary. The certificate should be submitted by student concerned within a week of rejoining the College after illness. However in such cases there will not be any relaxation in the minimum attendance requirement to appear in the HPTU semester examination.
  • 16. Any student found under the influence of intoxication of alcohol/drugs in the College or in the Hostel is liable to strict disciplinary action which may be up to expulsion from the College.
  • 17. The name of the student who fails to submit the university examination form for the semester in which he/she is studying without the approval of the Director-Principal shall be removed from the College rolls.
  • 18. The students are advised to see regularly the notices displayed on the College/hostel notice boards. The notice displayed on these notice boards shall be deemed to have been served on the students.
  • 19. Any student who fails to clear all the dues including hostel shall be debarred from appearing in semester examination.
  • 20. The Director-Principal reserves the right to modify any of the College rules as and when necessary. The decision of the Director-Principal in all matters shall be final
  • 21. At the time of admission a student has to undergo a medical examination and seek the medical certificate issued only by Medical Certificate officer.
  • 22. In case a student leaves the college before completing his/her studies, he/she is required to seek a final clearance certificate.